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Suri Duitch | University Dean for Continuing Education and Deputy to the Senior University Dean for Academic Affairs, The City University of New York

Suri Duitch | University Dean for Continuing Education and Deputy to the Senior University Dean for Academic Affairs, The City University of New York

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2011, Suri Duitch has been the University Dean for Continuing Education and Deputy to the Senior University Dean for Academic Affairs at the City University of New York, a position in which she oversees areas that include continuing education, workforce development, adult literacy, internship programs, a service corps, programs for students on public assistance, and special programs in the arts and early childhood. This appointment followed five years as the University Director of Adult and Continuing Education at the same institution, previous to which she was part of a small team starting up the CUNY School of Professional Studies.

Prior to joining CUNY in 2004, Duitch held several positions doing policy research, writing, advocacy and program development and oversight working with New York City nonprofits, foundations and city government agencies.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Duitch earned her BA in English Literature from Columbia University. She earned her MSW in Community Organizing from the City University of New York—Hunter College in 1995. She earned her PhD in Urban Education from the City University of New York Graduate Center in 2009.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Duitch lives in Brooklyn, NY with her husband and two children.

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Avoiding summer melt