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Steven VandenAvond | Vice President of Extended Learning and Community Engagement, Northern Michigan University

Steven VandenAvond | Vice President of Extended Learning and Community Engagement, Northern Michigan University

Current Position and Past Experience
Steven VandenAvond is the Vice President of Extended Learning and Community Engagement at Nothern Michigan University. This follows five years as Associate Provost for Outreach and Continuing Education at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. He has also served as the President of the Village of Allouez since 2008. In addition, VandenAvond has concurrently served as the Principal for the Center for Assessment and Program Evaluation for 13 years.

Prior to his current role with UWGB, VandenAvond served for 10 years as the Associate Academic Dean at Silver Lake College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
VandenAvond earned his BA in Psychology from Marquette University in 1989. In 1991, he earned his MA in Psychology from Illinois State University, and in 1997 he earned his PhD in psychology from Loyola University of Chicago.

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