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Author Profile

Stephen Landry | Chief Information Officer, Seton Hall University

Stephen Landry | Chief Information Officer, Seton Hall University

Current Position and Past Experience
Stephen Landry is currently the Chief Information Officer at Seton Hall University. He has served in this position since 1997.

Prior to this, Landry was an assistant professor of Math/CS at Seton Hall University. He also served in the same role at Wilkes University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
In 1984, Landry earned a BS from the University of New Haven. He completed his PhD in mathematics in 1989 at Wesleyan University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Stephen Landry is married with two children, both now in college. He is interested in education, technology and the future. He likes reading, walking, the outdoors and classical music.

Stephen Landry can be found on LinkedIn. You can also follow him on Twitter @landryst.

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