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Author Profile

Stephen Dunnivant | Central Campus President and Vice Provost of Teaching Excellence and Learning (Retired), Broward College

Stephen Dunnivant | Central Campus President and Vice Provost of Teaching Excellence and Learning (Retired), Broward College

Current Position and Past Experience
Stephen Dunnivant recently retired as Central Campus President and Vice Provost of Teaching Excellence and Learning at Broward College. Prior, he was Dean of Business, Industry, and Technology at Tallahassee Community College. He has over 27 years of experience in public and higher education, as well as workforce and economic development. He has also presented at numerous national conferences and is a published author.

At Gulf Coast State College, Dunnivant played a lead role in the design, funding, and development of a $35 million Advanced Technology Center—establishing key workforce partnerships with local and national industries to stimulate regional economic development. He was directly involved in leading the attraction of over $250 million in funding by leading capital campaigns, acquiring legislative appropriations, and co-leading a campaign for a sales tax initiative supporting educational facilities renewal.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dunnivant earned a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Social Science from Florida State University, a Master of Arts in Education and Human Development with an emphasis in Educational Technology from George Washington University, and a Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Educational Technology from the University of West Florida.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Dunnivant enjoys playing a wide variety of string instruments, researching personality theory and organizational culture, and global travel.

You can find examples of Stephen's work in the study of organizational culture here

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt