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Author Profile

Simmy Ahluwalia | Director, Canadian Federal Public Service

Simmy Ahluwalia | Director, Canadian Federal Public Service

Current Position and Past Experience
Simmy Ahluwalia enjoys a career spanning two decades in numerous departments across the Canadian federal public service.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Ahluwalia earned her BSc, with a major in Chemistry, from the University of Mumbai in 1978. After immigrating to Canada, she became accredited as a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) in 1992.

She has a thirst for learning and has taken interest courses in esthetics and hair styling, cake decorating and Ikebana floral arrangement. She earned her certification in Photography Techniques from Algonquin College in 2009, with the aim of turning her lifelong passion into a side-profession. She is currently pursuing certification in Graphic Design – Print media.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Ahluwalia is an active member of CMA and has volunteered with different organizations.

She is rarely found without a camera close at hand, and has a love for gadgets and shoes.

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