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Author Profile

Shirley Daniels | Student, Walden University

Shirley Daniels | Student, Walden University

Current Position and Past Experience
Shirley Daniels is currently a full-time student and wife. Her past work history was as an accounting technician with the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), which was under the Department of Defense.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Shirley Daniels is currently pursuing her MS in Mental Health Counselling at Walden University. In 2013, Daniels earned her BS with Honors in Psychology from the University of Phoenix. At the University of Phoenix, Daniels earned the Dean’s List Scholarship for her academic performance.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Daniels is interested in music and reading outside of school. She is the mother of three “four legged babies” and is still enjoying being very much in love with her husband of 8 ½ years. She currently volunteers for the YMCA and is hoping to start volunteering with a domestic violence shelter near her at the beginning of next year. Her ultimate goal is to be able to work with soldiers and their families through counseling.

You can find Daniels on LinkedIn.

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