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Shaun Sutherell | Director of Noncredit Professional Programs in Professional and Continuing Studies, University of Delaware

Shaun Sutherell | Director of Noncredit Professional Programs in Professional and Continuing Studies, University of Delaware

Current Position and Past Experience
Shaun Sutherell was appointed Director of Noncredit Professional Programs in Professional and Continuing Studies at the University of Delaware in November, 2018. In this capacity, he directs all non-credit professional and continuing studies programs, including online and face-to-face, certificates, short courses, workshops, conferences and customized programming.

Prior to taking on his current role, Sutherell served as Assistant Director of Business Development and Program Management for Professional and Continuing Studies at the University of Delaware. Before joining the University of Delaware, Sutherell worked at Walden University as an Associate Director of Admissions. Sutherell started at Walden University in 2007 as an Admissions Specialist and then later served as an Associate Director of Admissions. Prior to stepping into the education field, Sutherell was in Finance and served as a Financial Planner and a Financial Advisor.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Sutherell earned his B.S. in Psychology from Southeastern University. He earned his M.B.A. in Entrepreneurship and his Post-Master’s Certificate in Adult Education from Walden University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Sutherell is passionate about education and developing programs that allow the community to advance. In his free time, Sutherell enjoys the outdoors and reading.

Shaun Sutherell can be found on LinkedIn.

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