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Shari Smith | e-Education Facilitator, Rice University

Shari Smith | e-Education Facilitator, Rice University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2012, Shari Smith has served as the e-Education Facilitator at Rice University, where she works within the Professional Science Master’s Program. Prior to this, Smith served as the Associate Director of the Center for Online Learning Research and Service at the University of Illinois Springfield for 7 years and online instructional designer for 6 years. She also taught and developed online courses at the graduate and undergraduate level.

Smith is a consultant, workshop facilitator, and mentor for the Sloan Consortium.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Smith earned her MA in Communication from the University of Illinois Springfield in 2001.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Smith chaired the 2011 and 2012 Annual International Symposium Emerging Technologies for Online Learning.

You can find Shari on Twitter @ShariMcSmith.

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