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Author Profile

Sean-Michael Green | Vice President for Client Services, LRAP Association

Sean-Michael Green | Vice President for Client Services, LRAP Association

Current Position and Past Experience
Sean-Michael Green has served in leadership roles in enrollment management in three institutions, including most recently as Vice President for Enrollment Management at Albertus Magnus College in Connecticut. He has worked with traditional and non-traditional populations. Today, he serves as the Vice President for Client Service at LRAP Association – an organization that works with colleges to offer a simple and profound promise to their students: If a graduate earns less than a modest salary upon graduation, LRAP will help those students repay their student loans.

He served with the United States Marine Corps for 12 years, he is a licensed attorney, and he has founded several successful companies.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Green holds a BPhil from the University of Pittsburgh, an MA from the University of Pennsylvania, an MBA from Marist College, and a JD/LLM from Cornell University. He is currently completing a PhD at the University of Connecticut.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Green is a Peer Evaluator with Middle States Commission on Higher Education. He also serves as a Judge of the Wharton Business Plan Competition at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and as a Board Member of Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo.

Sean-Michael Green can be found on LinkedIn.

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Avoiding summer melt