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Author Profile

Scott Kingsley | Senior Director of Vendor Solutions, New Horizons CLC

Scott Kingsley | Senior Director of Vendor Solutions, New Horizons CLC

Current Position and Past Experience
Scott Kingsley is the Senior Director of Vendor Solutions at New Horizons CLC, where he developed the for-profit training network for Cisco. Prior to this, Kingsley was the Vice President of Solution Development at AchieveGlobal.

From 2003-2006, Kingsley was Vice President and General Manager of Productivity Point International. Before this role, Kingsley spent two years as the President of Periscope3. This came on the heels of nearly a decade where Kingsley was the Vice President of Product Development at Global Knowledge (ARG).

Education, Honors and Achievements
Kingsley earned his BA in Marketing from Michigan State University in 1989.

His work with Cisco earned New Horizons three consecutive Cisco Learning Partner of the Year awards for growth and collaboration.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Kingsley is the President of Benito Middle School’s PTSA, and won the Hillsborough County Award for PTSA President of the Year in 2010-2011.

Kingsley can be found on Twitter @scottkingsley.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review