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Sarah DeMark | Vice Provost of Workforce Intelligence and Credential Integrity, Western Governors University

Sarah DeMark | Vice Provost of Workforce Intelligence and Credential Integrity, Western Governors University

Current Position and Past Experience
Sarah DeMark serves as the interim Provost and the Vice Provost of Workforce Intelligence & Credential Integrity at Western Governors University, where she has worked since 2014. She is a strong advocate for creating skills-based credentials that benefit and align both individuals and employers to improve workforce development. She helps keep WGU at the forefront of competency-based education by leading the university’s credential integrity strategy and ensuring all program offerings provide strong value to students by aligning to in-demand and workforce-relevant skills. While at WGU, Sarah has also served as the vice president of program development and the vice president of General Education innovation.

Sarah also currently serves as the interim Executive Director of the Open Skills Network, a 2000-member coalition dedicated to advancing an open skills-based education and hiring ecosystem. She also serves on 1EdTech’s Board of Directors.

Prior to WGU, DeMark spent more than 15 years at leading IT companies, such as Cisco and VMware, serving in various leadership roles where she oversaw the strategy and execution of the design, development and deployment of innovative, large-scale curriculum, assessment, and certification portfolios. As part of this work, she also developed the strategy for leveraging skills-based assessments for internal employee professional development, retention, and workforce management. DeMark also served on the American National Standards Institute’s Personnel Certification Accreditation Committee and UPCEA’s Council for Credential Innovation.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. DeMark earned a Ph.D. and a M.S. in Educational Psychology (Measurement, Statistics, & Methodological Studies) from Arizona State University. DeMark earned B.S. degrees in both Elementary Education and Psychology from Vanderbilt University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In her spare time, Sarah likes spending time being creative and painting with her daughter Kate and hiking in the mountains with her four border collies. And she is always up for a great book recommendation.

You can connect with Sarah DeMark on LinkedIn. To learn more about WGU's work with skills, click here.. For more information on OSN click here.

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