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Author Profile

Sara P. Whitmer | Student Services Coordinator, MedTech College

Sara P. Whitmer | Student Services Coordinator, MedTech College

Current Position and Past Experience
Sara has been the Student Services Coordinator at Medtech College in Greenwood, Indiana since 2011. Prior to joining the Medtech Tribe, she worked as an instructor, first for the Institute of Reading Development, and later for the French Ministry of Education.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Sara earned her Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from Indiana University in 2010, and is currently a Master’s student in Higher Education and Student Affairs at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Born and raised in central Indiana, Sara currently resides in Indianapolis with her partner and their beloved “furry family” of cats and dogs. She volunteers regularly with the Indiana Youth Group, as well as several local organizations dedicated to building and preserving the patchwork of unique communities that make up the Indianapolis area. An avid reader, writer, and blogger, Sara hopes to be a force for positive growth in higher education and student affairs.

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