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Ryan Anderson | Senior Director of Instructional Design for the Extended Campus, University of Wisconsin System

Ryan Anderson | Senior Director of Instructional Design for the Extended Campus, University of Wisconsin System

Current Position and Past Experience
Ryan Anderson is currently the Senior Director of Instructional Design for the Extended Campus of the University of Wisconsin System. Prior to the UW, Anderson worked at Epic (the nation’s leading healthcare software vendor) for nine years, serving as the E-Learning and Training Group Leader. He was also an Adult Education Instructor for four years at Madison Area Technical College.

Anderson has excelled in bringing cutting-edge technology and instructional design approaches into the online classroom since he joined the University of Wisconsin System in 2012. To meet his goal of bringing students the best possible online experience, his team partners with faculty on a rigorous design process grounded in the latest instructional design theory. He facilitates the integration of a myriad of tools and strategies including competency-based education, virtual reality, gamification, adaptive learning, scenario-based learning and micro-credentialing. The result: innovative yet affordable online educational experiences that can be accessed anywhere, anytime, by anyone.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Anderson is completing a Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration from Edgewood College. He also has a Master of Science in Educational Communications and Technology, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education and Teaching both from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was part of the team that was awarded the University Professional Continuing Education Association’s Outstanding Program Noncredit Award in 2017. In 2016, UW-Madison awarded him the Shauna Schullo Best Distance Teaching Practices Award.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Anderson like to spend time in the outdoors hiking and fishing and he’s helped to raise thousands of dollars for organizations he cares about including the American Cancer Society and World Vision’s clean-water projects.

You can connect with Ryan on LinkedIn and Twitter

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review