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Rusty Greiff | Chief Strategy and Growth Officer, Jobs For the Future

Rusty Greiff | Chief Strategy and Growth Officer, Jobs For the Future

Current Position and Past Experience
Rusty Grieff is the Chief Strategy and Growth Officer at JFF. As a member of the executive office and the executive team, he helps devise and lead organizational strategies and growth initiatives, including new products, lines of business, and innovation platforms focused on the workforce, education, tech, and corporate sectors.

Prior to joining JFF, Grief was a Senior Advisor at the University of Virginia. He is currently also a Senior Advisor for the Georgia Institute of Technology.

He is the founder and principal of the eQ Group, an advisory firm that works with leaders of educational institutions and CEOs and boards of education technology and workforce innovation companies, venture and private equity funds, foundations, and nonprofit organizations, including JFF. Previously, he was a senior vice president at 2U Inc., where he oversaw the launch of online degree, credential, and certificate programs at more than 40 universities, including Harvard, MIT, Oxford, Yale, and Vanderbilt.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Grieff holds an MBA from Harvard Business School in Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, and Impact Investing. He also has a Bachelor’s in Political Science and History from Washington University in St. Louis.

You can connect with Rusty Greiff on LinkedIn

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