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Rovy Branon | Vice Provost for Continuum College, University of Washington

Rovy Branon | Vice Provost for Continuum College, University of Washington

Current Position and Past Experience
Rovy Branon is Vice Provost of the Continuum College at the University of Washington, where he oversees all UW Professional and Continuing Education programs and staff.

Branon began at the University of Washington in 2014 after seven years at the University of Wisconsin-Extension. While at UW-Extension, Branon served as Associate Dean, CTO and Executive Director of the Advanced Distributed Learning Co-Lab.

He also serves as an adjunct faculty member at Indiana University, where he’s taught an online course for the Master’s degree program in Instructional Systems Technology since 2002.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Branon earned his BA from UNC Charlotte in 1995 and in 1999 he earned his M.Ed from the same institution. In 2011, Branon earned his PhD in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University—Bloomington.

You can find Branon on Twitter @rovybranon and on LinkedIn.

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