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Author Profile

Rolando Lange | Director of TenarisUniversity, Tenaris

Rolando Lange | Director of TenarisUniversity, Tenaris

Current Position and Past Experience
Rolando Lange is the Director of TenarisUniversity, the employee education division of Tenaris. He has held this position since 2012.

Prior to this, Lange was Plant Manager at TenarisTamsa and International Operations Director at Tenaris.

He has held several positions in Argentina, Italy, Venezuela and Mexico.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Lange graduated from Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 1990 as an Industrial Engineer. In 1997, he graduated from EOI (Spain) Master of Industrial Management.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Lange loves to play tennis, to do water sports and trekking in the mountains.

Rolando Lange can be found on LinkedIn.

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