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Author Profile

Robert A. Sintich | Area Chair of English, History and Sociology, Warren County Community College

Robert A. Sintich | Area Chair of English, History and Sociology, Warren County Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Robert Sintich is currently a Professor of Social Science and History at Warren County Community College, and creator of the college’s VIPER program for veteran students. At WCCC Dr. Sintich has served as Dean of Students, Assistant Dean of Curriculum, Dean of Academic Affairs, Chief Academic Officer and Provost. His area of teaching includes Sociology, History and Education.

Dr. Sintich has served as a Commissioner for the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission (NLNAC). He has more than 30 years of higher education administration experience and has held administrative positions at community colleges.

Sintich is a veteran who served in the US Army Medical Corps as a reserve officer.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Sintich’s educational background includes a Master degree in Rehabilitation Counseling as well as a Doctoral Degree from Rutgers University. His doctoral thesis centered on the study of a Community College System in the State of New Jersey.

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