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Author Profile

Robert McGuire | Editor of Business Trends and Insights, SkilledUp

Robert McGuire | Editor of Business Trends and Insights, SkilledUp

Current Position and Past Experience
Robert McGuire is currently the Editor of SkilledUp’s industry publication Business Trends and Insights. He is also the Owner of McGuire Editorial & Consulting, LLC.

McGuire has previously served as a university writing instructor at Southern Connecticut State University and as the Director of Community Investment at the United Way.

Education, Honors and Achievements
McGuire received his BA from Cornell College in 1992. In 1995, he completed his MA at Binghamton University.

McGuire is the recipient of the Best Locally Written Story for a Magazine award from the Milwaukee Press Club, The Kay W. Levin Award for Best Short Nonfiction from the Council for Wisconsin Writers, and the Prevention for a Safer Society Media Award from the National Council on Crime and Delinquency.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
McGuire currently serves as Chair of the Board of Directors at Columbus House, a homeless services nonprofit.

Robert McGuire can be found on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt