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Author Profile

Robert Furtado | CEO, CourseCompare

Robert Furtado | CEO, CourseCompare

Current Position and Past Experience
Robert Furtado is the CEO of CourseCompare, Canada’s marketplace for education. Robert is a former marketing executive and instructor at the Humber School of Media Studies. His writing and commentary about higher education, technology and careers has appeared in Global News, the Toronto Star, The National Observer, MoneySense, University Affairs, Strategy Magazine, The Logic and dozens of other publications across Canada and the United States.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Furtado holds a Bachelor’s in Politics and Philosophy from Queen’s University and a Master’s in Political Sciences from the University of Victoria.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Furtado is a volunteer mentor for the Founder Institute, an organization that helps startup companies get their ideas off the ground.

You can connect with Robert Furtado on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Corporate learning engine