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Author Profile

Rob Westervelt | Vice President for Strategy and Innovation, Lindenwood University

Rob Westervelt | Vice President for Strategy and Innovation, Lindenwood University

Current Position and Past Experience
Rob Westervelt is currently Vice President for Strategy and Innovation at Lindenwood University. Prior, he spent 12 years at George Fox University serving in roles such as Executive Vice President for Enrollment and Marketing, Vice President for Marketing Communications and Chief Innovation Officer. Prior to George Fox, he served at Biola University for 10 years serving in roles such as Director of Brand Management, Director of Advertising and Publications and Director of Public Relations.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Westervelt holds a Master of Arts in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics from Biola University, and a Bachelor of Science in Communication from Weber State University. He also has a certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Standford University.

You can connect with Rob on LinkedIn

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