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Richard Irwin | Executive Dean of UofM Global and Academic Innovation, University of Memphis

Richard Irwin | Executive Dean of UofM Global and Academic Innovation, University of Memphis

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Irwin was recently appointed Executive Dean of UofM Global and Academic Innovation at the University of Memphis.

In this capacity, Dr. Irwin oversees the university’s online portfolio (UofM Global) of 60+ graduate and undergraduate academic program offerings; the University College; and, the Center for Innovative in Teaching and Learning.

Over 3,000 students from 39 states now complete their studies completely online through UofM Global, home of the LiFE program. Graduates of the LiFE program will receive a Bachelor’s of Professional Studies (BPS), one of several degrees granted by University College. The Center for Innovative in Teaching and Learning is comprised of Experiential Learning and Prior Learning; Off campus and Continuous Learning; Instructional Technology; and, provides faculty and students with a variety of non-traditional opportunities for expanding delivery and acquisition of college-level knowledge.

Housed within the Center is the Finish Line program, a nationally acclaimed degree completion initiative targeting former students whose University of Memphis records indicate successful completion of 90+ credit hours who stopped out and are no longer enrolled at any institution; are in good academic standing never but never earned a baccalaureate degree; and, incent them to complete their degree at low/no cost. Since Irwin founded the Finish Line in 2013, over 600 students have returned and completed their degree.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Irwin earned Bachelor’s, Masters and Doctoral degrees from the University of Northern Colorado.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Irwin is a sports enthusiast and an avid exerciser. He and his wife, Carol, were both raised in Colorado and enjoy hiking in the Rocky Mountains several times each year.

You can connect with Richard Irwin on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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