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Author Profile

Richard Holmgren | Vice President for Information Services and Planning, Alleghany College

Richard Holmgren | Vice President for Information Services and Planning, Alleghany College

Current Position and Past Experience
Richard Holmgren currently serves as the Vice President for Information Services and Planning at Allegheny College where he has had responsibility for library and technology services since 2006. He formerly served as the college's Chief Information Officer. He has been at Allegheny College since accepting a position in 1988 as Assistant Professor of Mathematics. In 1999, Holmgren was appointed Associate Dean of the College responsible for faculty development, new faculty orientation, and implementation of a new first-year/sophomore program. Since then, he has worked in a variety of administrative roles: developing and directing the Learning Commons, a comprehensive academic support center; twice chairing Allegheny’s accreditation review process; and participating in strategic planning.

Education, Honors and Achievements
A graduate of Gustavus Adolphus College with a BA in French, Holmgren earned his MA in Mathematics from Kent State University, and his PhD in Mathematics from Northwestern University.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review