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Author Profile

Richard Gentle | Former e-Learning Manager, Kirklees Council 14-19 Team

Richard Gentle | Former e-Learning Manager, Kirklees Council 14-19 Team

Current Position and Past Experience
Richard Gentle (based in the UK) has been running Gentle Enterprises since April 2012. Prior to this, Gentle spent seven years as an e-Learning Manager and the Prospectus Manager for the Kirklees Council 14-19 Team in West Yorkshire. Gentle also spent two years as an Ambassador for Science and Technology with SETNET, working with the Bedfordshire and Luton group.

Gentle has also worked as an e-Learning Consultant and Module Creator at Cranfield University, an Instructor and Media Resources Coordinator at Bedford College and a Research Consultant at Starlab in Brussels (currently based in Barcelona).

Education, Honors and Achievements
Gentle earned his BA (Hons) in Fine Art in 1983 – firstly focusing on Experimental Media, in 1980 at Coventry University, and finishing with sculpture, in 1983 at Sheffield University. He earned his PGCE in Secondary Teacher Training from the College of St. Mark and St. John, Plymouth, in 1990.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Gentle manages a number of personal websites including: eLearning Central – an educational resources information website; Richard Gentle – author site for personal development books; and Gentle Enterprises – a hub page for several other personal, business and community-based sites he maintains for others.

You can find Gentle on the web via his eLearning Central or Richard Gentle websites.

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Corporate learning engine