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Author Profile

Richard Feldman | VIPER Program Coordinator, Warren County Community College

Richard Feldman | VIPER Program Coordinator, Warren County Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Richard Feldman is currently coordinating Warren County Community College’s innovative and nationally recognized VIPER (Veterans In Pursuit of Educational Readiness) program. His varied experiences give him a unique ability to make the VIPER program successful. After spending five years in the US Air Force during the Vietnam era he then moved into corporate Human Resources leaving the corporate world as a Global Vice President for a Fortune 250 company. He then spent several years as an Assistant Dean at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business. Just prior to taking on the role at Warren County, Rich spent nine years as a consultant in the organizational effectiveness arena.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Feldman has a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management from Central Michigan University and a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. He also attended Harvard Business School’s Human Resources Executive Development program where he earned a certification in Executive Human Resources Leadership.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Feldman has been active with the Boy Scouts of America, served as a member of the county United Way organization, and has been active in many professional organizations. He is an avid outdoorsman, including fishing, camping and bicycling

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