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Author Profile

Rhonda Blackburn | Senior Advisory Consultant, Desire2Learn

Rhonda Blackburn | Senior Advisory Consultant, Desire2Learn

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2011, Rhonda Blackburn has been at Desire2Learn as a Strategic Account Manager and now a Senior Advisory Consultant. Prior to this, Blackburn was the Associate Provost at University of Texas at Dallas for four years. For seven years prior to that, Blackburn served as an Assistant Director at Texas A&M University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
In 1991, Blackburn earned her undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University and in 1995 she earned her postgraduate degree from Pepperdine University. She earned her PhD in Educational Psychology in 2002 from Texas A&M University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Rhonda has been married for seven years to Chris Bigenho and has a son (17 years old) and two daughters (15 and 2 years old). She works with her daughter’s school toward accreditation and conducting faculty development where she is the president of the PTO.

You can find Rhonda online via Twitter @rblackburn91. You can also find her on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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