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Author Profile

Rebecca Wyke | Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, University of Maine System

Rebecca Wyke | Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, University of Maine System

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Rebecca Wyke has served as the University of Maine System’s Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and Treasurer to the UMS Board of Trustees since 2008. Her major focus of work has been a system-wide initiative to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of Maine’s Public University System.

Prior to joining the University System, Dr. Wyke served for five years in Maine Governor Baldacci’s cabinet as the Commissioner of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services.

Dr. Wyke also served in the administration of three Maine Secretaries of State, serving as the Chief Deputy Secretary of State for eight years.

Before this position, from 1990 – 1995, Wyke was the Director of Corporations and Elections in the Maine Department of the Secretary of State.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Wyke received her Ed.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Wyke also holds a Master of Arts in Public Administration and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Maine.

As the Director of Corporations and Elections, she oversaw the implementation of the National Voter Registration Act in public assistance agencies and public high schools in Maine. As a result, the Maine Department of the Secretary of State received an award for outstanding achievement in implementing the National Voter Registration Act.

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