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Author Profile

Ray Sanders | Undergraduate Research Assistant, Arizona State University

Ray Sanders | Undergraduate Research Assistant, Arizona State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Ray Sanders is an astronomer with nearly 15 years of amateur astronomy experience. Sanders is currently making the transition from “backyard astronomer” to “professional astronomer”.

Sanders has written for a number of sites, including Universe Today, The Planetary Society and NASA’s Astrobiology Magazine.

Sanders also teaches informal astronomy education classes for Cosmoquest.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Ray has published one research paper on variable stars (IBVS 6030 - July 2012), and will be graduating from Arizona State University with a Bachelor's of Science in Earth and Space Exploration in May 2013.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Sanders is a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador, and is the Founding Member of the Arizona State University Astronomy Club.

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