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Rakhshi Hamid | Director of High School Programs, Laramie County Community College

Rakhshi Hamid | Director of High School Programs, Laramie County Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Rakhshi Hamid currently serves as the Director of High School Programs at Laramie County Community College. Where she facilitates opportunities for high school students to earn college credit while in high school. Hamid was the the GEAR UP Outreach Coordinator at LCCC, helping secondary students prepare for college and career readiness. She has been at the college for over 10 years.

Before joining the Laramie County Community College, Hamid served at The Council in Denver for 13 years, and spent six of those years as a Clinical Director.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Hamid earned her BS in Psychology from Rocky Mountain College and her Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Colorado at Denver. She received her Certified Addictions Counselor Level II and Licensed Professional Counselor credentials while working at The Council in Denver. While at LCCC she gained her Certified Public Manager certificate and a Career Development Facilitator certificate.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Hamid volunteers with the Cheyenne Interfaith Community and the Islamic Center of Cheyenne. She volunteers to judge for “We the People” and any debate tournament in town. She is an avid reader of all genres of books; and is a Harry Potter fan-girl. She prefers Marvel Comics to DC; and Tom Baker will always be her favorite Doctor Who.

You can connect with Hamid through LinkedIn.

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