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Phyllis King | Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee

Phyllis King | Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee

Current Position and Past Experience
Phyllis King is currently Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She plans, directs and provides administrative, operational, and strategic leadership for institutional and cross-institutional initiatives such as the Moon Shot for Equity (campus retention plan for student success), Higher Education Regional Alliance, and M3, a partnership between Milwaukee Public Schools, Milwaukee Area Technical College and UW-Milwaukee.

Dr. King represents UWM in local, regional and national partnerships to develop an education pipeline, pathways, curricular reforms, and articulation agreements between K-12 schools and post-secondary institutions. She leads special initiatives and/or grant-funded programs with respect to program design, planning, coordination, and interaction with internal and external stakeholders. Dr. King provides leadership to curricular innovations that expand UWM’s reach and impact through micro-credentialing, badging and other academic innovations.

Education, Honors and Achievements
King holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Education/Administrative Leadership with a specialization in Industrial Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, along with a Master of Science in Health Care Administration from Cardinal Stritch University. She is a licensed Occupational Therapist and holds Certificates in Private Board Governance and Credit Union Board Finances. Major awards include being recognized as a Distinguished Fellow of the Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions and Distinguished Fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association. She has received the Woman of Influence award and Power Broker Award by the Milwaukee Business Journal and a Notable Woman on Corporate Boards award by the BizTimes.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
I enjoy volunteering with the Red Cross and serving on boards of organizations related to advancing STEM talent, public education, banking, and health care.

You can connect with Phyllis on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review