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Author Profile

Philip Lucas | Software Engineer, Sir Sanford Fleming College

Philip Lucas | Software Engineer, Sir Sanford Fleming College

Current Position and Past Experience
Philip Lucas is currently a software engineer at Sir Sanford Fleming College in Peterborough, having in the past worked for several private and public sector organizations and governments. He has many years of experience in information technology and the impact of the significant monetary and personnel costs the upgrade cycle large systems impose.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Lucas earned his bachelor degree from Dalhousie University, Halifax N.S., and diploma from the College of Geographic Sciences, Lawerencetown, N.S.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Lucas is active in youth sports. He also participates in community forums on social and political issues that affect weakening social fabric and deepening concerns for costs, as well as the impact of the constant push for technical progress on our planet and our humanity.

Lucas is a supporter of the Canadian Blood Service, Red Cross and the WWF. He believes the changes we see in nature are not intended to destroy us, but rather to move us back onto a path of sustainment and synchronicity with everything on our planet.

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