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Author Profile

Peter Walton | Associate Director of Career and Professional Programs, Simon Fraser University

Peter Walton | Associate Director of Career and Professional Programs, Simon Fraser University

Current Position and Past Experience
Peter Walton is an Associate Director in the Career and Professional Programs area of Continuing Studies at Simon Fraser University. Walton has been at SFU since 2010. Prior to this, Walton served as the Coordinator of the Public Relations Program at Langara College for 13 years.

Walton also currently serves as a District Electoral Officer with Election BC, a position he has held since 2008, and has been a Returning Officer with Elections Canada since 2007.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Walton earned his degree in Journalism and Political Science from Carleton University in 1980.

You can find Walton on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt