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Author Profile

Peter Stokes | Managing Director, Huron Consulting Group

Peter Stokes | Managing Director, Huron Consulting Group

Current Position and Past Experience
Peter Stokes is currently the Managing Director of Huron Consulting Group, a position he has held since 2014. This followed two years at Northeastern University, where Stokes served as Vice President for Global Strategy and Business Development at Northeastern University and Executive Director of Postsecondary Innovation.

Stokes began his career in higher education twenty years ago, teaching literature, writing, and communications at institutions as diverse as Stony Brook University, the Massachusetts College of Art, and Tufts University. He has also held positions as a technology industry analyst and management consultant, and served for more than a decade as the Executive Vice President and Chief Research Officer at Eduventures, a leading higher education research firm and consultancy. Peter also held the position of Executive Director in the higher education practice at Russell Reynolds Associates, a global executive search and assessment firm.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Stokes earned his BA in English from Stony Brook University in 1985. In 1996 he earned his PhD in English from the same institution.

Articles by this author:

Driving modern student success in higher ed