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Author Profile

Paul Walsh | Director of Digital Learning, University of Maryland

Paul Walsh | Director of Digital Learning, University of Maryland

Current Position and Past Experience
Paul Walsh is currently Director of Digital Learning at the University of Maryland. For five years prior, he was working with microcredenitals and alternative credentials as the USMx Program Director at the University System of Maryland. For 11 years, Walsh was serving at the University of Baltimore where we was Assistant Vice President. Education, Honors and Achievements
Walsh holds a masters degree from The Johns Hopkins University and a bachelors degree from Towson University. He is currently enrolled in a masters program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Paul has donated over 25 gallons of blood at Red Cross, has run every day for nearly 12 years, and enjoys poetry. He is a determined yet exasperated sourdough bread baker who lives in Central Maryland with his patient wife and disobedient dogs.

You can connect with Paul on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review