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Pat James-Hanz | Executive Director for the Online Education Initiative, California Community Colleges

Pat James-Hanz | Executive Director for the Online Education Initiative, California Community Colleges

Current Position and Past Experience
Pat James-Hanz is the Executive Director for the Online Education Initiative at California Community Colleges. James comes to the OEI with extensive experience in online education courses and programs, and numerous projects statewide as well as hands-on experience as a first-generation community college student. She has also taught junior high and high school grade levels.

Education, Honors and Achievements
James-Hanz earned an associate degree at Cañada College and then transferred to the University of California at Santa Cruz, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She holds a master’s degree in Instructional Design for Online Learning from Capella University, a fully online institution.

In 2008, James-Hanz received the CCC Chancellor’s Office Technology Innovator of the Year Award.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Pat is an innovative cook and loves spending time with her five children and two grand children. She has a passion for good mystery novels and listening all kinds of music.

Pat James-Hanz can be found on LinkedIn and on Twitter.

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