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P. Gerard Shaw | Dean of the School of Business, Dean College

P. Gerard Shaw | Dean of the School of Business, Dean College

Current Position and Past Experience
P. Gerard Shaw is the Dean of the School of Business at Dean College. He first joined the college in 1995, as Associate Professor and served as Director of Dean Leadership Institute for 14 years before being offered the role of Dean. Prior to this, he worked as Vice President at Merrimack College, where he led the Division of Student Affairs.

Education, Honors and Achievements
P. Gerard Shaw holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Villanova University. He earned two master’s degrees: one from Washington Theological Union in Systematic Theology and in Human Resources from Biscayne College. In 1991, Shaw received a Ph.D in Higher Education from Boston College.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Shaw has served on the Board of Directors for the Hockomock Area YMCA, where he chaired the Strategic Planning Committee, and has served as the Chair of the Board. He has also served on the Development Committee of the Providence Country Day School.

You can connect with P. Gerard Shaw on LinkedIn.

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