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Author Profile

Olufemi Adegun | Professor, Sheridan College

Olufemi Adegun | Professor, Sheridan College

Current Position and Past Experience
Olufemi Adegun is currently a professor in Sheridan College’s School of Engineering and Manufacturing Sciences.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Adegun has earned a number of degrees and certifications. He earned his BSc. In Engineering Physics, his MSc. In Mechanical Engineering and his MBA in Finance and Marketing. He completed his Ph.D in Sales and Marketing. Adegun has also earned a D. Min (Doctorate in Ministry) and is a certified Project Management Professional.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Adegun also served as a pastor and lives in Mississauga, Ontario. He is married with two children and has written two books, Step Out and Achieve and The God of Strategy.

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