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Author Profile

Nicole Foerschler Horn | President, JMH Consulting

Nicole Foerschler Horn | President, JMH Consulting

Current Position and Past Experience
Nicole Foerschler Horn is the President of JMH Consulting - a higher education consulting firm that provides marketing, lead generation and enrollment management for universities across the country. Nicole’s passion is helping organizations clarify their vision and build straightforward strategies to meet goals. As President of JMH Consulting, Nicole oversees business development and the delivery of all client projects and has worked with top universities including Brown, Southern Methodist, and UC Irvine.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Foerschler Horn earned her BA in Philosophy from Emory University in 1997 where she graduated with honors.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Nicole is active in her community; serving as co-president of the Springdale Park Elementary PTO from 2012-2013 and currently as a board member for the Local School Council. She also served as a board member of the Virginia-Highland Civic Association from 2011-2013 as well as a volunteer for several non-profits.

Nicole has presented across the country and in Canada for UPCEA, ACHE, Conference on Management and Executive Development, and CAUCE.

Nicole has a soft spot for singing karaoke and makes nightly signing appearances at the bedside of Gavin and Hayden Horn - their kids.

Connect with Foerschler Horn on LinkedIn.

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