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Author Profile

Nick Tompkins | Talent Acquisition Director, Newmont Mining

Nick Tompkins | Talent Acquisition Director, Newmont Mining

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2007, Nick Tompkins has been the Talent Acquisition Director at the Newmont Mining Corporation. Prior to that, Tompkins spent two years as a Regional Recruiter with Richmond American Homes. Tompkins has served as a recruiter in the heathcare industry with HCA Healthcare Sunrise Hospital, as an Executive Recruiter and as the Director of Internet Recruiting for Management Solutions.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Tompkins earned his Bachelors in Business and Marine Science from the University of Miami’s School of Business. He is currently working toward earning his MS in HR Leadership from Walden University’s School of Management.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Tompkins has a passion for languages and is trilingual, speaking Spanish and Portuguese in addition to English.

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