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Nancy Salzman | Vice Chancellor of Partnerships, Brandman University

Nancy Salzman | Vice Chancellor of Partnerships, Brandman University

Current Position and Past Experience
Nancy Salzman was appointed Vice Chancellor of Partnerships at Brandman University's Office of Applied Innovation in October 2018. In this role, Salzman is committed to building strategic partnerships focused on competency-based eduction, badging, and other innovations across a variety of settings.

Prior to taking on her current position, Salzman was the Dean of Extended Education at Brandman University, following her time as Assistant Director at UC Irvine. Salzman previously taught at several educational institutions including Western State Law School, the University of California, Irvine Extension, and Downey Adult School.

As a practicing attorney, Salzman was a litigator, built an adoption practice as a sole practitioner, and managed a firm representing financial institutions throughout the United States.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Salzman earned her BA from Tufts University in 1976. In 1979 she earned her JD from Loyola Law School at the Loyola Marymount University.

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