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Author Profile

Mimi Marrocco | Director of Continuing Education at University of St. Michael's College, University of Toronto

Mimi Marrocco | Director of Continuing Education at University of St. Michael's College, University of Toronto

Current Position and Past Experience
M. J. (Mimi) Marrocco is the founding Director of Continuing Education at the University of St. Michael's College in the University of Toronto, and has held the role since 1986. At St. Michael's she is Chair of the Research Administration Committee and co-director of a Catholic Leadership Institute.

After attending the Harvard Institute for Management and Leadership in Education (1994), she was nominated to the executive of the Ontario Council for Lifelong Learning in 1995 and served as its President from 1999-2000. She went on to become President (2005-2006) of the Canadian Association of University Continuing Education (CAUCE).

Education, Honors and Achievements
Mimi holds a Ph.D. in English Literature specializing in the work of modern writers of religious fiction. Since 1986, however, her work in continuing education has enabled her to venture well beyond the bounds of her original academic discipline.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Mimi serves on the Board of the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto and is a past chair of the Board of Directors of the Centre for Ethics and Corporate Policy (EthicsCentre). A keen, through undistinguished golfer, she enjoys travelling to a variety of golf destinations with her husband Frank, an Ontario Superior Court Judge. Most of all these days, however, she delights in her role of “nana” to five young grandchildren.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review