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Author Profile

Mike Echols | Executive Vice President, Bellevue University

Mike Echols | Executive Vice President, Bellevue University

Current Position and Past Experience
Mike Echols is the Executive Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at Bellevue University, a position he has held since 2000. In 2007, Echols took on the responsibility of concurrently serving as the Executive Vice President of the university’s Human Capital Lab, which he was instrumental in establishing.

Echols is an accomplished author, having most recently published Your Future is Calling. Other books by Mike Echols include ROI on Human Capital Investment, Competitive Advantage from Human Capital Investment and Creating Value from Human Capital Investment.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Echols earned his BS in Physics from Carnegie Mellon University, and his MBA from the University of Pittsburgh. In 1970, Echols earned his PhD from UC Berkeley. In 2007, Echols was named one of Training Industry’s Top 20 Most Influential Training Professionals.

For more of Echols’ writing, please visit his blog Learn Prosper.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review