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Author Profile

Michelle Maldonado | Associate Vice President of Corporate and Strategic Relationships, American Public University System

Michelle Maldonado | Associate Vice President of Corporate and Strategic Relationships, American Public University System

Current Position and Past Experience
Michelle Maldonado is the Associate Vice President of Corporate and Strategic Relationships at the American Public University System. She has held this position since 2011.

Prior to this Maldonado was the Director of Corporate and Strategic Relationships at American Public University System and Business Development Director for AOL LLC.

During her legal career, Maldonado served as Counsel and Senior Legal Counsel for AOL LLC. She was also a Corporate Attorney for the Business Transactions Group at Reed Smith LLP and a Corporate Attorney for McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP.

Maldonado is an established writer, industry presenter and workshop facilitator, specializing in creating “conscious” cultures that grow successful, innovative, and sustainable leaders, teams, organizations and communities.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Maldonado received her B.A. from Barnard College at Columbia University. She completed her J.D. with a focus on corporate and technology law at George Washington University Law School.

Maldonado has been recognized for her integrative approach to leadership development and related work with students and professionals across industries, including two awards for Outstanding Development from American Public University System and an honorary membership from the Golden Key International Honour Society.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Maldonado volunteers as the Chief Strategist, Conscious Learning and Leadership Integration at Conscious Capitalism DC Chapter and is a member of each of the NeuroLeadership Institute, Association for Talent Development and the Society for Human Resource Management.

She enjoys writing self-help articles and children’s stories, hiking, the beach, roller skating and spending time with her family.

Michelle Maldonado can be found on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt