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Author Profile

Michelle Cantu-Wilson | Director of Teaching and Learning Initiatives and Special Projects, San Jacinto College

Michelle Cantu-Wilson | Director of Teaching and Learning Initiatives and Special Projects, San Jacinto College

Current Position and Past Experience
Michelle Cantu-Wilson is the Director of Teaching and Learning Initiatives and Special Projects at San Jacinto College. She has worked at San Jacinto College for nearly a decade, starting as a Professor of Integrated Reading and Writing in the College Prep Department, then becoming an Advisor for the First Generation Student Club.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Cantu-Wilson earned a Ed.D , specializing in higher ed, from the University of Houston-Clear Lake. She also has a Master’s in Supervision and Instruction and a Bachelor’s in English from the University of Houston.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Cantu-Wilson spends as much time as possible outside of the office at the beach, having grown up near Boca Chica Beach and South Padre Island.

She, her husband, and children each sing and play music together in the house.

Cantu-Wilson is the President of the Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education - Gulf Coast Region Chapter and the membership chair of the Hispanic Women's Network of Texas -Houston Chapter.

You can connect with Michelle Cantu-Wilson on LinkedIn

Michelle also co-hosts the LatinX Learners YouTube Channel, and regularly appears as a guest co-host on the EdUp Experience podcast with Joe Sallustio.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt