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Author Profile

Michael Chanan | Professor, Roehampton University

Michael Chanan | Professor, Roehampton University

Current Position and Past Experience
Michael Chanan is a seasoned documentarist, writer and Professor of Film & Video at the University of Roehampton, London. His first films were documentaries on contemporary music for BBC Television in the early 1970s. After a stint teaching film at the then Polytechnic of Central London, he made a number of documentaries on Latin American subjects, mainly for Channel Four. He returned to teaching in the 90s, first in the film school at the then London College of Printing (1990-2000), then as Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of the West of England until moving to Roehampton in 2007. His principle films over the last dozen years have been academically funded, including 'Detroit Ruin of a City' (2005), 'The American Who Electrified Russia' (2009) and 'Secret City' (2012). In 2011 he became the New Statesman's first video blogger, resulting in 'Chronicle of Protest' (2011). He has also written books cinema, documentary, and music.

Chanan maintains a website with various writings and videos at, and blogs as Putney Debater.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review