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Author Profile

Melony Martinez | Director of Marketing and Public Relations, National Park College

Melony Martinez | Director of Marketing and Public Relations, National Park College

Current Position and Past Experience
Melony Martinez has 16 years of experience in higher education, both in the classroom and working to build a dream team of marketing and public relations professionals. She is currently Director of Marketing and Public Relations at National Park College and has been in this position since 2015. She and her team are responsible for all media relations, advertising, web services, digital, social and strategic communications. She currently serves as assistant director for the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations District 4.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Martinez holds a Masters of Education in Learning Systems Technology from the University of Arkansas Little Rock. She also has a Bachelor of Science in organizational management from John Brown University and an Associate of Science in Sociology from Northeast Texas Community College. She and her team have earned 31 regional and national marketing and public relations awards since 2016.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Martinez enjoys writing poetry, pottery, exploring the Natural State (Arkansas), hiking, kayaking, thrifting, and searching for the best authentic Mexican fare. She also volunteers her time working with a faith-based non-profit to train foster and adoptive families.

You can connect with Melony on LinkedIn, Twitter or at

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