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Melissa Lavitt | Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Washington, Tacoma

Melissa Lavitt | Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Washington, Tacoma

Current Position and Past Experience
Melissa Lavitt is the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the University of Washington, Tacoma. Before stepping into her current role, Lavitt served as the Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). This followed five years as Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs at Boise State University. From 2004-2008, Lavitt was a Vice Provost at Eastern Washington University. Lavitt also has experience as a clinical social worker and family therapist.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Lavitt earned her BA in Human Behavior and Institutions from the University of Chicago and her PhD in Social Work from Tulane University.

You can connect with Lavitt through her LinkedIn profile.

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