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Maureen O'Brien | Workforce Development Coordinator, Maine Community College System

Maureen O'Brien | Workforce Development Coordinator, Maine Community College System

Current Position and Past Experience
Maureen O’Brien is currently based at Southern Maine Community College, serving as one of four Workforce Development Coordinators in the Maine Community College System. Previously she was Development and Communications Director at Maine Resilience Building Network. She also worked as a Grant Coordinator and Project Manager at Jobs for Maine’s Graduates. Prior to that, she worked in broadcast journalism for 25 years, working behind the scenes as a writer, producer, and newsroom manager.

Education, Honors and Achievements
O’Brien holds a bachelor of arts in Journalism from St. Michael’s College.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Whether downhill skiing, kayaking, hiking, or just walking to work every day (in any weather), Maureen feeds her soul by spending as much time as she can outside, enjoying all that Maine’s four seasons have to offer.

You can connect with Maureen on LinkedIn

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