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Matthew Prineas | Provost and Vice President-Academic, Athabasca University

Matthew Prineas | Provost and Vice President-Academic, Athabasca University

Current Position and Past Experience
Matthew Prineas is the Provost and Vice President-Academic at Athabasca University. Prior to taking on his current role, Prineas served as Dean and Vice Provost of The Undergraduate School at the University of Maryland University College (UMUC).

Prior to this, Prineas served as the Assistant Dean of Communication, Art and Humanities at UMUC. He also worked as the Assistant Provost of Academic Partnerships at UMUC.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Prineas received his BA from Carleton College in 1987. He completed his MA at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1990. In 1995, he finished his PhD at the University of Rochester.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In his downtime, Prineas enjoys running alone, hiking with his wife Kathy and reading, writing, cooking, astronomy and opera.

Matthew Prineas can be found on LinkedIn and Twitter. He also blogs about running at

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