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MaryBeth Drake | Adjunct Instructor of English, Virginia Western Community College

MaryBeth Drake | Adjunct Instructor of English, Virginia Western Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
MaryBeth Drake is currently an Adjunct Instructor of English at Virginia Western Community College. Prior to this, she provided online tutoring for college writing with Smarthinking Inc. and face to face tutoring for Sylvan Learning Inc. and privately. She also serves as an Adjunct Instructor of English at Southern Virginia University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Drake earned her BA in Special Education at Greensboro College, her MALS at Hollins University and received a Master’s of Science as an Educational Specialist at Nova Southeastern University in 2005. She is currently working toward earning her PhD in Education at Walden University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Drake is a collage and paper mache artist and participates regularly in community art shows and fund raising events. She also assists her husband in his business, Drake Construction, which has recycled log homes and other log buildings in Rockbridge County since 1973.

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