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Marlaine Cover | Social Entrepreneur and Parenting Strategist

Marlaine Cover | Social Entrepreneur and Parenting Strategist

Current Position and Past Experience
Marlaine Cover is the creator of the Life Skills Report Card and Founder of LinkedIn’s top ranked parenting group, Parenting 2.0.

Cover started her professional career working in fundraising for higher education, first as a Capital Campaign Coordinator for Washington State University, then as Assistant Director of Annual Giving for Tulane University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Cover earned her Bachelor’s degree in Communications from Washington State University in 1986. In 1991 she earned her Master’s in Public Administration from James Madison University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
While raising her two daughters, Cover became painfully aware of the disparity between the educational process of academics and that of non-academic Life Skills. Cover’s desire to balance the scales, inspired her to create the Life Skills Report Card and launched her on her current role as a Social Entrepreneur advocating proactive education of non-academic Life Skills around the globe. Mother of two (now adult) daughters, Cover resides in North San Diego County with her husband of 26 years, William Hurt Cover, Ph.D, JD.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt